The Original Victory Vixens...

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Looking forward...

Tomorrow I am off to see Mother Dearest....she has had a tough time of it recently and has been in and out of hospital due to infections and chemo.

I have planned a day of treats including a lovely lunch with fizz, some pampering time and then a dinner out by the sea.

One of the things I have found that helps her most through her low times is things to look forward to so I have started planning little things for us to do until this treatment business is over in order to keep her spirits up.

So over the next couple of months we are doing the following

When we can't go out black and white films are in order...accompanied by...


Fancy cream tea in posh hotels always lift the spirits (especially when you add a glass of fizz)

And a bit of pampering never goes amiss

Although these seem like very small things they can make a HUGE being sick is totally rubbish and therefore every little helps!!

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Bringing Sexy Back....

So exercise is meant to be the best medicine...yes....well the thought of cycling to hardcore house music whilst an instructor shouts at me in a Hitler like fashion does not make me feel great. Infact it makes me want to climb back in to bed with a tub of Ben and Jerry's and watch Sex and the City.

However whilst going through treatment for cancer exercise is encouraged in order to relieve stress, up the energy levels and help with the pesky weight gain that can happen through chemo.

So...the next question is how to make exercise fun and something that you want to do rather than have to do...well...I think we have found the answer....!!

Let me start at the the start of the year I found that my curves were getting slightly out of control (I blame red wine and chocolate) and so I started looking for a fun way to get them back in control.

A few days into my search I stumbled across some fantastic dance classes run by a guy who looks like Justin Timberlake (I kid you not). So off I went in my old tracksuit bottoms and vest and had the time of my life..!!

The teacher (let's call him Justin) has a fantastic way of making you work-out, feel sexy and have the best time all at once...he is a total genius.!!

After I explained my quest to help girlies going through cancer feel and look as good as possible he got on board with it straight are now looking at running some fab dance classes for all you ladies going through treatment. It will be specifically for you guys so wigs on or off it is up to one will stare (infact there will be too busy trying to learn the dance moves to notice anything) and by the time you come out you will feel fantastic.

If you are interested in the classes (or know someone who is) please email for more info.....the classes are totally fab although I have been known to break out the dance moves in a bar after one too many wines which isn't so fab!!

Monday, 18 April 2011

Getting Wiggy With It.....

Today marks the day that Mother aka Nina Ballerina has only one more chemo session until she is done....totally amazing.

Although we still have some radiotherapy fun to get through the end is in sight.

One of the things worrying her most, strangely,  is what will happen to her wigs when she no longer needs them....clearly she has become very attached.

Being the true Essex Wife that she is Nina went full out when it came to wigs. When I go back down to the home land I never know who will open the door as the selection includes...

Barbara Streisand

Jane Fonda

Terri Hatcher
...the wigs are absolutely fab and she even gets asked who her hairdresser is as her hair looks so good (this boosts her confidence no end).

After having a chat to my wonderful cancer crew I have found a wealth of fabulous wigs sitting around doing nothing...what a waste, and as I am not one who likes to waste anything I have persuaded some lovely hairdressers to take the wigs, wash them and style them. So now Victory Vixens has a wig amnesty situation going have a wig you don't need then hand it over need a wig for free but don't want the NHS versions then we have one to suit you...!!

As always please pass this one so we can get the word out about this new fab website and get support from as many people as possible.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Photoshoot Adventure....

Yesterday was the first official photoshoot for the Hummingbird Boudoir/Victory Vixens lingerie exciting!!

I put the call out for some photoshoot assistance about two weeks ago and some amazing people came to my rescue....firstly the lovely Luna De-Lovely offered to model for me (Luna is a fab Burlesque performer who is a dead ringer for Paloma Faith), then the fab Tigz Rice offered to take the pictures (Tigz is an amazing burlesque photographer) and then to top it all off Kelly aka Miss Honey Bare brought her skills as a make-up and hair stylist to the party....totally great girls!!

The day started off badly when I hopped on the tube to fine it absolutely packed with screaming kids going to see the dinosaurs/Madam Tussaud's/Tower of London etc.....the little 'angels' kept getting various body parts/items of clothing caught in the doors leading to a delay of about thirty minutes.

By the time I got off the tube I was furious especially when I found out I had to wait another thirty minutes for a train....I did however spend the time wisely by purchasing some wine in order to help the photoshoot along. .!!

I finally got to St Mary Cray (random name I know) at about 12pm...VERY LATE....and I then had to try and find my way to the studio. Now I have lived in London for just over 18 months and I still can't find my way around my local area so trying to find my way to the studio was a nightmare. I eventually admitted defeat and asked a friendly looking man for directions.....he was in the middle of explaining when his WAG like wife pulled up in her soft top car and demanded to know what I was doing talking to her husband....trying to look as innocent as possible I explained that I was merely asking for directions and not trying to flirt with him (husband was balding and slightly over weight) in anyway. She obviously did not believe me so demanded that I get in the car so she could give me a lift in an effort to get me away from her hubby. After alot of protesting I finally got into the car where we sat in stony silence until she finally asked...."Well what are you even doing here anyway?" and I explained that I created lingerie for women going through cancer and today was our photoshoot whilst the voice in my head was shouting "I HOPE YOU FEEL REALLY BAD NOW LADY"....childish I know.

So after a few more minutes of silence we arrived at the studio and this is where the day starts getting better. Luna looked amazing in the lingerie (to be honest she would look good in a sack), the make-up and hair were fabulous (I am now a convert to heated rollers after a tutorial) and just wait until you see the photos...!!

Totally fab day top off by a lovely meal with the boy...which led to drinks after and dancing to a band....which led to being taught martial arts in the street by a man we met at the bar...which led to Burger King....all of which has led to a very sore head and my body hating me for filling it with rubbish...!!

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Contents Contents....

So this weekend I was meant to be finalising the contents for the Victory Vixens website.

I was all set, had a good outline of what I wanted to achieve and was highly positive.

Unfortunately Friday night consisted of me dressing up as Amy Winehouse, getting on a boat and then drinking til the early hours....cue a VERY sore head in the morning.

Me in all my glory...

So after some much needed painkillers and a bacon sandwich I set to work only to realise that infact I can't be the one who decides what is on the site as I haven't been through cancer.

Don't get my wrong have mother dearest go through it gives me a good idea but I want to make sure I am on the right track.

So this is where I ask you guys for help...if you have been through cancer, know someone who is or just have a great idea please get in touch at

Lots of Love

Lucy (aka Amy Winehouse)

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Who Are the Victory Vixens...

So as you may have realised we are on a crusade to give women back their self esteem whilst going through cancer treatment which is awful at the best of times let alone when you have no confidence. We plan to do this by giving women a resource to go to for any type of cancer question or query you could ever think of.....what you should be eating, what clothes will cover drains, where to get free and fabulous wigs, how to apply false eyelashes, what will happen to your sex life...and about a million more things that women of all ages going through cancer want to know.

So that is what we are going to do in a very small nutshell but where did it all begin...??

Well...the original Victory Vixens as previously mentioned are Nina and Judy....

...I love this picture which was actually taken about thirty five years ago.

Nina and Judy are sisters who have both been through various types of cancer and they are also Mother and Aunt to me.

Now Mother Dearest is extremely glam....she is the type of woman that wears high heels to the beach and other women ask where she got her clothes from. She loves looking good and is still hoping her love of high heels and matching outfits will rub off on me...!!

Her most recent diagnosis was breast cancer last year and it was alot more serious than all the other brushes with cancer she has had before. This means that she is now going through chemo before heading off for some radiotherapy fun.

One of the main things that really worried her was the effect on her looks. So whilst she was attending various doctors appointments I decided to see what I could find to help her along....and I found....not much really.

One thing I did find was Look Good Feel Better...which is an amazing company that offers beauty advice and workshops for women going through cancer...they are totally fab!!

But everything else was slightly out of date or was part of another website telling you about symptoms, side effects and all the bad bits and to be honest I felt that women going through cancer already know enough about the bad bits and need something positive to make them feel better.

So...after speaking to various cancer professionals, cancer patients and anyone else who would listen I decided to create a 'one stop shop' for women, girlies, ladies etc going through cancer where they can find EVERYTHING.

I have teamed up with life coaches, psychiatrists, doctors, stylists, hairdressers, make-up artists, nutritionists, gorgeous underwear boutiques, fitness experts and women going through cancer to provide the best support possible.

We will be hopefully working with the lovely Look Good Feel Better as their workshops are simply fab and there will be lots of social events to attend where you can chat to other women going through the same thing but more importantly have a great time.

If you would like to get involved we would love to hear form you so please email

Monday, 4 April 2011

We Need You....

I am sure you will all agree that cancer is shit...the whole lot of it...totally rubbish.

But one of the things that can make you feel alot worse is how it effects your looks. From the falling out of finger nails to the steroid bloating...cancer is not a good look.


Our website will be full of tips, tricks and everything else you will need to beat cancer whilst looking good and feeling great....from where to get free wigs to what to eat to make you feel like your old self.


We need sponsorship and funding in order to make this great project even better so get your thinking caps on and pass this on to anyone you know who could help.

We are dying to get the ball rolling and start helping girlies going through a tough time.

If you can do anything to help (or know someone who can) please email

Lots of Love

Victory Vixens xx


Welcome to Victory Vixens....the newest (and best) place to go for all your cancer questions and queries.....from where to buy the most realistic wig (or get them for free) to what you should be eating for each cancer.

We are a group of professionals ranging from stylists, doctors, life coaches, nutritionists who want to help women look good and feel great whilst fighting cancer.

We are looking for people with cancer to work with us to tell us exactly what you need from us in order to make your lives easier....!!

Help us give cancer the two fingers whilst looking fab and feeling great.

Lots of Love

Victory Vixens x

Victory Vixens...

Welcome to Victory Vixens…but before I tell you what we are all about let me introduce you to the original Victory Vixens aka Nina and Judy.

Nina and Judy have both been through or are currently going through cancer. However, they are going about it in a totally fabulous way.
Imagine turning up to chemo wearing a n amazing outfit, full make-up and high heels and you will get the picture…both are totally fabulous.

They are big believers that when you look good and are kind to your body you will feel better and be able to cope with what life has to throw at you in a more positive way.

We couldn’t agree more!!

What they have found though is that there is not a resource for women going through cancer treatment that has all the answers to the questions and queries that arise…such as how to stop your nails splitting, where to buy the best (and most affordable wigs), what you should be eating, how to banish dry ‘chemo’ skin, how to apply false eyelashes, where to buy special undies, what to expect your sex life to be like, where to find local supports group and about a million other things women should be able to find out easily.

This is where we come in…Victory Vixens is a ‘one stop shop’ for all cancer needs and wants.

We have partnered up with doctors, psychiatrists, nutritionists, fashion stylists, hairdressers and make-up artists in order to allow women of all ages to look good and feel great whilst winning the war over cancer.

What we need from you…

We are now looking for endorsement to make this great project even better.

This is going to be a nationwide online resource including workshops, seminars, fashion and social events so it is a great cause that encompasses all forms of cancer.

With cancer in women on the rise there has never been a better time to get involved and help us make more women into Victory Vixens.

If you are interested in helping us on our quest please email

Lots of Love

The Victory Vixens x