The Original Victory Vixens...

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Who Are the Victory Vixens...

So as you may have realised we are on a crusade to give women back their self esteem whilst going through cancer treatment which is awful at the best of times let alone when you have no confidence. We plan to do this by giving women a resource to go to for any type of cancer question or query you could ever think of.....what you should be eating, what clothes will cover drains, where to get free and fabulous wigs, how to apply false eyelashes, what will happen to your sex life...and about a million more things that women of all ages going through cancer want to know.

So that is what we are going to do in a very small nutshell but where did it all begin...??

Well...the original Victory Vixens as previously mentioned are Nina and Judy....

...I love this picture which was actually taken about thirty five years ago.

Nina and Judy are sisters who have both been through various types of cancer and they are also Mother and Aunt to me.

Now Mother Dearest is extremely glam....she is the type of woman that wears high heels to the beach and other women ask where she got her clothes from. She loves looking good and is still hoping her love of high heels and matching outfits will rub off on me...!!

Her most recent diagnosis was breast cancer last year and it was alot more serious than all the other brushes with cancer she has had before. This means that she is now going through chemo before heading off for some radiotherapy fun.

One of the main things that really worried her was the effect on her looks. So whilst she was attending various doctors appointments I decided to see what I could find to help her along....and I found....not much really.

One thing I did find was Look Good Feel Better...which is an amazing company that offers beauty advice and workshops for women going through cancer...they are totally fab!!

But everything else was slightly out of date or was part of another website telling you about symptoms, side effects and all the bad bits and to be honest I felt that women going through cancer already know enough about the bad bits and need something positive to make them feel better.

So...after speaking to various cancer professionals, cancer patients and anyone else who would listen I decided to create a 'one stop shop' for women, girlies, ladies etc going through cancer where they can find EVERYTHING.

I have teamed up with life coaches, psychiatrists, doctors, stylists, hairdressers, make-up artists, nutritionists, gorgeous underwear boutiques, fitness experts and women going through cancer to provide the best support possible.

We will be hopefully working with the lovely Look Good Feel Better as their workshops are simply fab and there will be lots of social events to attend where you can chat to other women going through the same thing but more importantly have a great time.

If you would like to get involved we would love to hear form you so please email

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